Monday, March 16, 2015

Bruce Trilogy Paperbacks Now Available with New Covers

 Thanks to CreateSpace, you can now get paperbacks for the Bruce Trilogy delivered to your doorstep within days with their snazzy new covers designed by Ebook Launch.

And the best part is they cost less than before! That's a win-win all around.

You can find The Crown in the Heather here. New covers for the rest should be up by the end of the week, but rest assured they are in stock. At this time the new covers are only available in Amazon stores, but eventually they will be elsewhere.

Meanwhile, I have emerged from Proofreading and Formatting Purgatory. I'll have details soon on where and when you can order Say That Again (the sequel to Say No More), book #2 in my Faderville Novels series.

Happy reading,

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