Monday, January 11, 2010

Farewell, David R. Ross

Recently, I began reading David R. Ross's non-fiction book James the Good: The Black Douglas as part of my ongoing research for my Bruce trilogy. It's history written with the ease of a storyteller sitting around the campfire with good friends. It's not overloaded with scholarly details about politics or daylong battles, but conveyed in a way that people of today can relate to. I love history books like his that both seek to entertain and humanize while they unwittingly educate us. Some of Ross's other works include: On the Trail of Robert the Bruce, On the Trail of William Wallace, and On the Trail of Bonnie Prince Charlie. These and his many other books can be found on or at his web site. If you scroll down the home page, you can see Ross in his plaids waving the flag of St. Andrews.

So it was with sadness that I learned today that he had recently passed away at the age of 51. Although he has left much behind which connects us to the past, he was not with us nearly long enough. He's someone I very much would have loved to speak to and glean just a smidgeon of his knowledge and bask in his passion for history. Farewell, Davie.

Until later,

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